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. 2017 Oct 20;66(41):1116–1118. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6641a5


The figure above is a histogram of the number of reported deaths in children aged <5 (N =930) in the Bombali Sebora chiefdom, Bombali District, Sierra Leone during January 2015–November 2016.

Number of reported deaths in children aged <5 years (N = 930), by reporting source* — Bombali Sebora chiefdom, Bombali District, Sierra Leone, January 2015–November 2016

Abbreviation: Ebola = Ebola virus disease.

* Reported deaths among children aged <5 years were ascertained through one or more of the following reporting streams: 1) the 117 phone alert system established during the Ebola epidemic; 2) records from eight Bombali Sebora health facilities, and 3) vital records from the Makeni Office of Births and Deaths.