Regions of the TMJ disc. Regions of the TMJ disc for compression testing (A) are labeled as PBC, IZM, IZC, and IZL, and ABC. Regions selected for tensile testing are shown (B) labeled as MLP, MLC, MLA, APM, APC, and APL. These regions were identified and tested across five species, with differences in gross anatomy represented (C). Compressive relaxation moduli at equilibrium across the animal models and disc regions are shown below (D), statistically significant differences exist between groups that do not share a letter (p < 0.05) (Adapted from Kalpakci et al.43 with permission from SAGE Journals). ABC, anterior band central; APM, anteroposterior medial; APC, AP central; APL, AP lateral; MLP, mediolateral posterior; MLC, ML central; MLA, ML anterior; IZM, intermediate zone medial; IZC, IZ central; IZL, IZ lateral; PBC, posterior band central; TMJ, temporomandibular joint.