Table 2.
Examples from the analysis process reflecting opinions about ANPs in municipal healthcare as one way to meet the increasing healthcare needs of the frail elderly
Main themes | Categories | Codes |
ANP as an opportunity | The role of ANP from the perspective to satisfy the frail elderly’s need of healthcare | Increased patient safety Better continuity More person-centred care Increased access to medical care at home |
The role of ANP from the perspective of making healthcare more effective | The nurses’ work would be easier Use the right skills to create efficient healthcare Prescription of drugs |
The role of ANP from the perspective of recruitment difficulties | Important to innovate for future recruitment challenges Career path for nurses to remain in patient care There are too few doctors |
The role of ANP from the perspective of increasing municipal nurses’ skills | Experience of low skills among some municipal nurses Need for nurses with more medical competencies in municipal healthcare New healthcare agreement |
ANP as a challenge | The role of ANP from the perspective of collaboration between municipal healthcare and primary care | Create conditions for better collaboration between doctors and municipal nurses Need for nurses with support and advice from the doctor Confidence with the doctor Co-workers More time for the doctors to see other patients |
The role of ANP from the perspective of motivating nurses to study and the courage to take on the responsibilities that the role entails | Motivation among nurses to study as an ANP It must be worthwhile The employer must motivate higher education A tedious way for nurses with an older education to get authority for higher education Dares nurses to take a greater responsibility? Courage for nurses |