Figure 2. Higher expression of Nanog is associated with a worse prognosis for OS patients and significantly enhances the stem-like phenotype of OS cells.
(A) Representative IHC staining images of low (left panel) and high (right panel) Nanog expression. (B) Kaplan-Meier curve showing that higher expression of Nanog is significantly related to a poor prognosis (P < 0.05). (C) Efficiency of tumor sphere formation by Lv-TSSC3/Lv-Nanog MTH (left) or SaOS2 cells (right) is higher than in Lv-TSSC3/Lv-empty cells, respectively (Bars, mean±SEM, *P < 0.05). (D) The percentage of CD133, CD117 and Stro-1 positive Lv-TSSC3 MTH (left) or SaOS2 cells (right) is significantly increased after Nanog overexpression (Bars, mean±SEM, *P < 0.05). (E) The IC50 values of Lv-TSSC3 MTH and SaOS2 cells under cisplatin treatmentis are higher after Nanog overexpression. Migration (F) and invasion (G) capacity is enhanced in Lv-TSSC3 MTH and SaOS2 cells after Nanog overexpression (Bars, mean±SEM, *P < 0.05). (H) There are significantly more xenografts generated by MTH and SaOS2 cells after Nanog overexpression (N=5; P = 0.0001; P = 0.004).