(A) Expression Atg9RNAi in ISCs, EBs and ECs with Dl-Gal4, Su(H)GBE-Gal4, or NP1-Gal4, respectively. Ablation of Atg9 in ECs, but not ISCs or EBs, caused enlarged cell size. n ≥ 25, ***p<0.001. (B) Temporal control of Atg9RNAi expression using the Gal80ts; Tub-Gal4 inducible system. The flies were either maintained at 18°C throughout development or shifted to 29°C after eclosion for 5 days to inactivate Gal80ts and enable expression of the RNAi targeting Atg9. (C) Clonal analysis in adult midgut using Flp-FRT-mediated recombination revealed that Atg9d51 mutant cells (marked by lack of GFP and Atg9 expression) are larger than the controls (GFP-positive cells). n ≥ 17, ***p<0.001. (D) MARCM analysis showed that the enlarged Atg9d51 mutant cells (marked by GFP) are Pdm1 positive EC cells. n ≥ 21, ***p<0.001. Scale bar: 20 μm. Genotypes: (C) hsFLP; FRT42D Ubi-GFP/FRT42D Atg9d51 (D) hsFLP; FRT42D tubGal80/FRT42D Atg9d51; Tub-Gal4/UAS-mCD8GFP.
Figure 4—source data 1. Quantification of cell size.