Figure 3.
Effects of LLP2A-Ale or combination treatment with ADSC on endogenous osteogenesis. Femurs of Osterix-mCherry reporter mice were fractured at two-months of age, and these animals received PBS (A), LLP2A-Ale (B), ADSC-GFP (C), or ADSC + LLP2A-Ale (D). Mice were euthanized 14 days post-fracture. Green arrows illustrated ADSC-GFP cells that were detected within the fracture gaps and embedded in the callus in the ADSC + LLP2A-Ale group (D). Density of osterix expression was calculated for the entire callus region for recipients from both sexes (E and F). Representative images were taken from male mice as indicated in white squares. *, p < .05 versus PBS-treated group. Scale bar: 100 µm. Abbreviations: ADSC, adipose-derived MSC; GFP, green-flourescence protein; LLP2A-Ale, LLP2A-Alendronate; PBS, phosphate buffered saline.