Co-clustering of rat (middle) and mouse (right) liver data
using SCHype. A. SCHype is a clustering tool for hypergraphs, built here from two
co-expression graphs and an homology graph. B. Number of mouse (dark grey) and rat
(light grey) probes for the SCHype clusters with more than 10 probes for each
species. X-axis: number of probes included in each SCHype cluster. Y-axis: SCHype
predicted clusters, numbered according to the number of probes per cluster in
decreasing order. C. The biggest four SCHype clusters are shown. Genes in mouse and
rat in each cluster are homologous to each other. The results of hierarchical
clustering for each species is shown as a colour bar on the left. Colour-code matches
the experiments trees in Fig. 1. Under the heatmap, clustering localisation of experiments
from each series is shown in black, one line per series. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)