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. 2017 Sep 30;9(10):1087. doi: 10.3390/nu9101087

Table 2.

Clinical trials that evaluated the effect of different concentrations of olive oil phenolic compounds on inflammatory markers in patients with cardiovascular risk and CAD.

Reference Population Sample Size Design Duration Intervention Group Control Group Outcomes
Visioli [127] Patients with mild dyslipidemia 22 RCCT 2 × 7 weeks
run-in: 3 weeks—ROO
washout: 4 weeks—ROO
40 mL
EVOO: 166 mg/L total HT
40 mL
ROO: 2 mg/L total
↓ 20% TXB2
→ Urinary excretion (24 h) of F2-isoprostanes (8-iso-PGF2α)
Pacheco [150] Healthy subjects and patients with hypertriglyceridemia 28 RCCT post-prandial (8 h)
high-fat meal (72%) and 50 g noodles
washout: 1 week
run-in: 1 week—diet NCEP I + EVOO or ROO
50 g/kg² body surface area
EVOO: 1125 mg/kg total polyphenols
and 350 mg/kg tocopherols
50 g/kg² body surface area
ROO: without polyphenols or tocopherols
Healthy and hypertriglyceridemia: smaller increment of the area under the sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 curve
Fitó [18] Patients with stable CAD 28 RCCT 2 × 3 weeks
washout: 2 weeks—ROO
50 mL
VOO: 161 mg/kg total phenolic compounds
50 mL
ROO: 14.67 mg/kg total phenolic compounds
↓IL-6, ↓CRP, → sVCAM-1, →sICAM-1
Damasceno [144] Patients with moderate hypercholesterolemia, without drug therapy or hormone replacement 18 RCCT 3 × 4 weeks
run-in: 4 weeks MeDiet
without washout among interventions
35–50 g
MeDiet + VOO: 343 mg/kg total polyphenols
40–65 g
MeDiet + walnuts: 13 mg/kg total polyphenols
50–75 g
MeDiet + almonds: 11 mg/kg total polyphenols
→ CRP, → sVCAM-1, →sICAM-1
Moreno-Luna [19] Women at stage 1 of essential hypertension or normal-high BP 24 RCCT 2 × 8 weeks
run-in: 16 weeks—MeDiet
washout: 4 weeks—MeDiet
60 mL
MeDiet + VOO: 564 mg/kg–30 mg/day total polyphenols
60 mL
MeDiet + ROO: without polyphenols
Perez-Herrer [149] Obese subjects 20 RCCT post-prandial (2 and 4 h)—breakfast containing milk and muffins (made with different types of oils) 0.45 mL of oil/kg of body weight
VOO: 400 mg/kg antioxidant phenols
0.45 mL of oil/kg of body weight
SOD: sunflower oil/canola oil + 2 mg of dimethylpolysiloxane
SOP: sunflower oil/canola oil + 400 mg/kg VOO-phenol compounds extracted from the residue of olive oil production alperujo
VOO and SOP vs. SFO: ↓ NF-kB activation, ↑ protein level IkB-α, ↓ plasma LPS concentration
→ Levels of subunit mRNAs and NF-kB activators (p65, IKKβ, IKKα), inflammatory molecules (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, MIF, c-Jun N-terminal kinase)
Widmer [141] Patients with early atherosclerosis (endothelial dysfunction) 82 Paralell RCT 16 weeks
usual diet
30 mL
VOO + EGCG: 600 mg/kg total polyphenols
30 mL
VOO: 340 mg/kg
total polyphenols
VOO + EGCG vs. VOO: no differences
OO (VOO and VOO + EGCG): ↓ sICAM-1, ↓ monocytes, ↓ lymphocytes, ↓ platelets, ↓ leukocytes ↑ plasma 8-isoprostanes
Camargo [148] Patients with metabolic syndrome and no drug treatment 49 RCCT post-prandial (4 h)—breakfast containing white bread and VOO
Washout: 6 weeks—low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet
40 mL
VOO with concentrations of phenolic compounds:
High: 398 mg/kg
Intermediate: 149 mg/kg
Low: 70 mg/kg
High: → LPS, inhibited NF-κB,
→ serum levels IL-6, → TLR4 protein
High vs. Low/intermediate: ↓ expression IL-6
High vs. Intermediate: ↓ IL-1β expression
Low: ↑ NF- kB p65 subunit, ↑ serum IL-6 levels; ↑ TLR4 protein, ↑ LPS
Low vs. High: 4 h postprandial, higher levels of LPS
↑ expression of TNF-α independent phenolic content
Santangelo [145] Overweight and type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without insulin therapy 11 RCCT 2 × 4 weeks
usual diet
25 mL
EVOO: 577 mg/kg total phenolic compounds
25 mL
ROO: without phenolic compounds
→ high-sensitive CRP, → IL-6, → TNF-α

: increase; → maintenance or no effect; ↓: decrease; RCT: randomized clinical trial; RCCT: randomized crossover clinical trials; OO: olive oil; ROO: refined olive oil; VOO: virgin olive oil; EVOO: extra virgin olive oil; HT: hydroxytyrosol; TXB2: thromboxane B2; NCEP: National Cholesterol Education Program; sICAM-1: soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1; sVCAM-1: soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; CAD: coronary artery disease; IL-6: interleukin-6; CRP: C-reactive protein; ADMA: asymmetric dimethylarginine; NF-κB: nuclear factor kappa B; SFO: sunflower oil; IκB-α: alpha inhibitor of NF-κB; mRNA: messenger ribonucleic acid; MIF: inhibitory factor of macrophage migration; MeDiet: Mediterranean diet; BP: blood pressure; EGCG: epigallocatechin 3-gallate; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; TLR4: toll-like receptor 4; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-alpha.