Fig. 3.
Details of anthers and floral structures of Ophiocaryon. (A, F) O. paradoxum; (B, G, N, O) O. heterophyllum; (C) O. duckei; (D) O. klugii; (E, L) O. maguirei; (K, M) O. manausense. (A) Oval-shaped orbicules with central compression situated on the inner anther wall. (B) Polygonal-shaped orbicules. (C) Mixture of oval-shaped orbicules with central compression (arrowhead) and polygonal shaped orbicules (double arrowhead). (D) Spherical-shaped orbicules. (E) Rod-shaped orbicules. (F) A pollen grain with three grooves and reticulate ektexine. (G) Narrow nectar disc with five appendages surrounding the ovary. (H) A nectary appendage with two stomata. (I) A young ovary comprising two horseshoe-shaped carpels that fuse congenitally at the base. (J) Ovary with rough-celled style and stigmatic area surface and smooth lower surface. (K) Ovary with horizontally appressed style (arrow). (L) Tip of stigma with pollen grains glued by exudate (arrow). (M) Stomata on ovary wall (arrows). (N) A flower with three-carpellate ovary. (O) A flower with three fertile stamens and two staminodes. Scale bars: (A–E) = 1 μm; (F) = 2 μm; (G, I, L, N, O) = 100 μm; (H, J, K) = 20 μm; (M) = 10 μm.