Fig. S7.
Decreased levels of 2-Cys Prxs suppress the phenotype of the ntrc-trxf1f2 mutant. WT and mutant lines, as indicated, were grown under long-day and growth-light conditions for 4 wk. (A) The weights of the rosette leaves was determined from at least seven plants and are presented as average values ± SE. (B) Chlorophyll levels were measured from leaf discs (n ≥ 8), and mean values ± SE are shown, with letters indicating significant differences by Student’s t test at a 95% CI. (C) After incubation of plants during 30 min in darkness, an induction/recovery curve was performed as described in Materials and Methods to determine Y(NPQ). Values are the mean ± SE of at least seven plants. White and black blocks indicate light (75 μE m−2⋅s−1) and darkness periods, respectively.