(a) Immunocytochemistry showing iCPCs differentiate into cardiac lineage cells including cardiomyocytes (alpha-actinin, cardiac actin, MLC-2v, MLC-2a, alpha-MHC), smooth muscle cells (SM-MHC) and endothelial cells (CD 31). (b) Live imaging showing GFP+ iCPCs co-cultured with td-tomato+ CMs derived from mouse embryonic stem cells. Absence of detectable GFP+/td-tomato+ cells indicated cell fusion was unlikely during co-culture (c) Cx43 immunolabeling showing iCPC-CMs (green) and mESC-CMs (red) develop gap junctions upon co-culture. iCPC-CMs and mESC-CMs show synchronous calcium transients upon co-culture due to presence of gap junctions. Scale bar=50um in a and b, 5um in inset.