Figure 1.
Expression levels of inhibitor-1 mRNA and its potential regulatory microRNAs in human hearts. Total mRNA was isolated and purified from human failing hearts (HFrEF) and non-failing hearts. (A) Representative real-time PCR curves illustrating inhibitor-1 and glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) mRNA expression in non-failing and failing heart samples. (B) Quantitative analysis of inhibitor-1 expression levels relative to the non-failing heart group after normalization to GAPDH levels. (C) Heat map illustrating expression of candidate microRNAs regulating inhibitor-1 in non-failing and failing hearts. (D) Representative real-time PCR curves illustrating hsa-miR-765 and U6 mRNA expression in non-failing and failing heart samples. (E) Quantitative analysis of hsa-miR-765 expression levels relative to the non-failing group after normalization to U6 levels. (n=7 hearts per group; *P <0.05 vs. the non-failing group).