Figure 5.
Mitochondrial genomics 14 weeks post-STZ injection. A) mtDNA absolute copy number was determined from isolated retinal synaptosomes from non-diabetic (ND), diabetic (D), and diabetic with insulin replacement (D+I) animals normalized to ng of DNA. n=13–18 animals/group. B) Relative mtDNA deletion amounts were determined by gapped reads. ND, animals, ratio of gapped/total mapped reads from diabetic (D) and diabetic with insulin replacement (D+I) from mtDNA sequencing from DNA isolated retinal synaptosomes. C) Ideogram of the 16,313 basepair (bp) mtDNA genes and annotations; dark gray – ribosomal RNA genes, red – D-Loop region, light gray – protein coding genes, and black – tRNAs. Blue regions ‘F’ and ‘R’ represent forward and reverse primer binding regions. D) Number of base variants relative to genomic location of mtDNA per non-diabetic control animal (heatmap rows – gray scale). The single column heatmap represents the mean variant frequency total across the mtDNA for each control animal (total mean variant frequency/bp – orange scale) (n=10 animals). E) Number of base variants relative to genomic location of mtDNA per diabetic control animal (heatmap rows – gray scale). The single column heatmap represents the mean variant frequency total across the mtDNA (total mean variant frequency/bp – orange scale) (n=7 animals). F) Number of base variants relative to genomic location of mtDNA per diabetic with insulin animal (heatmap rows – gray scale). The single column heatmap represents the mean variant frequency total across the mtDNA (total mean variant frequency/bp – orange scale) (n=10 animals). G) Box-plot representation of the mean variant frequency/bp per experimental group. ND- non-diabetic, D – diabetic, D+I – diabetic with insulin replacement. ND1 – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1. ND2 – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2. COXI – cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1. COXII – cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2. ATP8 – ATP synthase Fo subunit 8. ATP6 – ATP synthase Fo subunit 6. COX III – cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3. ND3 – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3. ND4L – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L. ND4 – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4. ND5 – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5. ND6 – NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6. CytB – cytochrome b.