Fig. 2. Timing of CENP-A deposition in the germline in different species.
Schematic shows the stages of germline divisions with CENP-A loading in different organisms indicated with colored bars. In the monocotyledonous plant rye, CENP-A shows biphasic centromere chromatin assembly in G2 and interkinesis (Schubert et al. 2014). In fruit flies CENP-A (CID) gradually assembles at centromeres in prophase I (Raychaudhuri et al. 2012; Dunleavy et al. 2012), and males have a second loading phase similar to plants after exit from meiosis II. In mouse, CENP-A centromere chromatin assembly in the female germline likely occurs pre-meiotically, and the same population of CENP-A lasts through both meiotic divisions (Smoak et al. 2016).