Phylogenetic tree (50 % majority rule consensus) resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the combined LSU, rpb2 and ITS sequence alignment (dataset 2; representing clades 1–37 of Fig. 1). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP), maximum likelihood bootstrap support values (≥ 90 %; ML-BS) and maximum parsimony bootstrap support values (≥ 90 %; MP-BS) are indicated at the nodes (PP/ML-BS/MP-BS) and the scale bar represents the expected number of changes per site. Branches in a thicker stroke represent the branches present in the strict consensus parsimony tree. Genera clades are delimited in coloured boxes, with the genus name and clade number are indicated to the right. All taxa names are written in black, ex-type species strains are represented in bold, novel genera with an asterisk (*) and resurrected genera a circumflex (ˆ). A vertical bar is used to the right of the coloured boxes and encompass all genera within their respective family, the Mycosphaerellaceae. The tree was rooted to Schizothyrium pomi (CBS 486.50).