Fig. 5.
Phylogenetic tree (50 % majority rule consensus) resulting from a Bayesian analysis of the combined LSU, rpb2 and ITS sequence alignment of the strains in the clades 1–6 from Fig. 4 (clades 67–72 of Fig. 1). Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) and maximum parsimony bootstrap support values (≥ 90 %; MP-BS) are indicated at the nodes (PP/MP-BS) and the scale bar represents the expected number of changes per site. Branches in a thicker stroke represent the branches present in the strict consensus parsimony tree. Genera clades are delimited in dark and light blue boxes, with the genus name indicated to the right. The genus name Zasmidium is unnabreviated while the rest are abbreviated as follows: NT = Nothopericoniella, AN = Annellosimpodiella, NP = Neopenidiella, DV = Devonomyces, PH = Phaeophleospora, CY = Cytostagonospora, LE = Lecanosticta, BR = Brunswickiella. All taxa names are written in black, ex-type strains are represented in bold and novel genera with an asterisk (*). The dark and light pink coloured boxes, numbered with roman numerals to the right, represent a possible phylogenetic division of the genus Zasmidium based on branch support and/or taxonomic history. Within the pink boxes, the generic name of Zasmidium was abbreviated (Z. = Zasmidium) and a grid representing morphological charaters respective of each taxon is displayed to the right of the taxa and should be interpreted as: S – only sexual morph described (filled hexagon); CP – conidiophores unbranched (filled star), conidiophores branched (empty star); CC – conidiogenous cell terminal (filled square), conidiogenous cell terminal forming rachis (filled square with letter R in white), conidiogenous cell terminal and intercalary (empty square), conidiogenous cell terminal and intercalary forming rachis (empty square with letter R in black); CA – conidia long (>30 μm average; full circle), conidia short (<30 μm average; empty circle), single (full triangle), catenate (empty triangle). The tree was rooted to Teratosphaeria stellenboschiana (CPC 13764).