Figure 2.
In Vivo DAPS Implantation: Immature constructs. (A) Study design: After 5 weeks of in vitro culture, AF/NP DAPS were implanted into the caudal spines of athymic rats using an external fixation device to stabilize the implantation space. (B) Mechanical testing with optical displacement tracking: After 5 weeks in vivo, vertebra-DAPS-vertebra segments were tested in compression using an optical displacement tracking technique to measure deformation. Scale: 1 mm. (C) Representative stress-strain curves: Similar to native disc segments, DAPS had a nonlinear stress-strain response with distinct toe and linear regions. (D) Mechanical properties: There were no significant differences between toe and linear region moduli of DAPS constructs and native discs. The primary difference was in the transition and maximum strains, which were higher in the DAPS group. (ns, non-significant; **p < 0.01).