Developmental kinetics of C. albicans Goliath cell formation under zinc limitation. C. albicans cells pre-grown in SD medium were (A) incubated in LZM or LZM + Z over 3 days or (B) in SD0 or SD0 + Z over 7 days. Cells were imaged at indicated time points and axes diameters measured using ImageJ. Cell volumes were calculated by V = 4/3 π ab2. Each data column shows >100 cells from at least two independent experiments. Both zinc starvation media induced significant cellular enlargement (∗∗∗ < 0.001, Stat. test [ANOVA]). One data point (530 μm3) is omitted from SD0 Day 7 (B). Optical density (OD600) was determined for cultures incubated in (C) LZM (±zinc) every 24 h for 3 days and (D) SDw/oZ (±zinc) every 24 h for 7 days. Data are from three independent experiments. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.