Schematic representation of the MeRV genomic organization and nucleotide identity with the phylogenetically closer virus species. The position of each gene is indicated in relation to the sequence of the isolate MeRV-ParP17 (GenBank acc. no. MF953305). The blue box represents the polyprotein ORF. The alternate P3N-PIPO ORF is depicted by the small yellow box above the main reading frame. The corresponding predicted molecular weights in kilodalton (KDa) are indicated below each polyprotein cistron. Autocatalytic cleave sites of the HC-Pro and P1 gene products are indicated by green triangles, and NIa-Pro cleavage sites are marked by blue triangles. Conserved amino acids at each cleavage site according to Adams et al. (2005) are shown above each triangle. The panel below plots the nucleotide similarity (%) between the MeRV-ParP17 genome and those of the phylogenetically nearest potyviruses: Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) and Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV). Each point plotted is the per cent identity within a sliding window of 200 nt wide centered on the position plotted, with a step size between points of 20 nt.