Fig 2. Immunostaining of neuropilin-1 in the SGNs/SV and of Sema3a in the organ of Corti and SGNs in mice at postnatal stage (P5).
Mid-modiolar sections of the cochlea were immunostained with antibodies to TUJ1, neuropilin-1, and Sem3a. Blocking peptide (BP) for semaphorin-3A was used as a negative control. Neuropilin-1 receptors were expressed on SGNs and SV in WT mice at P5 (A, B, D, E) and were not expressed on SGNs (C) and SV (F) of Nrp1fl/fl;Pax2Cre mice. Semaphorin-3A expression was detected on organ of Corti (G, H), and SGNs (J, K) at postnatal day 5 (D, E). Panel I and L show semaphorin-3A immunostaining of the organ of Corti (I) and SGNs (L) in presence of blocking peptide for semaphorin-3A. Green in panel E, F, I is background color from TUJ1 staining. Scale bar = 20 μm.