(A) Calcium flux in HEK-293 cells stably overexpressing either human TRPM8,
mouse Trpm8, or rat Trpm8 and treated with
icilin (20 µM), menthol (0.5 mM), CFA (2.3 mg/ml per
180 μg/cm2), CaO (2.3 mg/ml per 180
μg/cm2), or CaCl2 (2.3
mg/ml per 180 μg/cm2). Data are
normalized to hTRPM8-OE responses and represented as the mean ± S.E.M
(n = 6). Statistically significant responses were
determined using a one-way analysis of variance and post-testing with
Bonferroni multiple comparisons test relative to hTRPM8-OE
(***P < 0.001) or to CFA
(†††P < 0.001).
Quantification of Il-6 (B), Cxcl1 (C) and
Cxcl2 (D) mRNA in lungs of wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 and
Trpm8−/− mice treated via oropharyngeal
aspiration (25 μl) with either ice-cold saline or
CFA (10 mg/kg in saline) for 4 hours. Data are represented as the mean
± S.E.M. (n = 6). Statistically significant
responses using two-way analysis of variance and post-testing with the
Bonferroni multiple comparisons test relative to vehicle are represented as
*P < 0.05 and
**P < 0.01. No statistically
significant differences were observed for comparisons between the saline and
CFA groups as a function of genotype, indicated as P
> 0.05. mTrpM8, mouse TrpM8; N.D., not determined; rTrpM8, rat