Figure 7. Effect of siRNA-mediated knockdown of genes co-amplified with MET or ERBB2 on cell apoptosis or cell cycle progression.
(A) Cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry and (B) western blot analysis of apoptosis markers in SNU620 cells treated with CAPZA2 or MET siRNA. (C) Cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry and (D) western blot analysis of apoptosis markers in NCI-N87 cells treated with siRNAs targeting ERBB2 or genes co-amplified with ERBB2 (GRB7, MIEN1, PGAP3, or STARD3). For cell cycle analysis, the percentage of cells at each phase is shown as the mean ± SD of at least three experiments. Mann-Whitney test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.