Figure 7. Anti-hyperalgesia and chemokines inhibitory effects of WTD co-administrated with specific inhibitors of IL-1R1/TRAF6/JNK signaling.
Pretreatment of IL1-Ra (100 mg/kg, i.p., 2 hours before), an inhibitor of IL-1R1, with WTD (12.60 g/kg, p.o., 1 hour before) significantly attenuated SNL induced mechanical allodynia, heat hyperalgesia and increased WTD analgesic effect (a, b). Otherwise, neither co-administration of LV-TRAF6 shRNA (4 μl, intraspinal injection, 3 days prior to test), the specific inhibitor of TRAF6, nor D-JNKI-1 (0.3 mg/kg, i.p., 30 minutes before), the specific inhibitor of JNK with WTD (12.60 g/kg, p.o., 1 hour before) increased WTD's anti-allodynia effect (c, d). Accordingly, co-administration of IL-Ra, but not LV-TRAF6 shRNA or D-JNKI-1 further reduced CCL2 (e) or CXCL1 (f) expressions. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. (n=6). ###P<0.001 vs. Sham group, *P<0.05, **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001 vs. SNL group. &P<0.01 in (a-b) vs. WTD (12.60 g/kg) group; in (e-f) vs. WTD (12.60 g/kg) + IL-Ra (100 mg/kg, i.p.) group, respectively.