Figure 3.
Regeneration of motor neuron cells in nerve tissue proximal to the site of end-to-side neurorrhaphy.
(A–C) Cryostat sections, stained with Fluoro-Gold, through the DRG (A, the sham group; C, end-to-side group) and corresponding ipsilateral spinal cord segment (B, end-to-side group) containing labeled neurons. (A, C) Sensory neurons of the DRG; (B) motor neuron of the spinal cord segment. Scale bars: 100 μm. (D) Total number of labeled motor neurons of the corresponding spinal cord segment and DRG sensory neurons for the cutaneous antebrachii medialis nerve in the end-to-side group and the sham group. *P < 0.05, vs. sham group. All data are presented as the mean ± SD (n = 6; one-way analysis of variance followed by the least significant difference post hoc test). DRG: Dorsal root ganglion.