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. 2017 Sep 1;31(6):1730–1739. doi: 10.1111/jvim.14812

Table 1.

List of canine‐specific and anti‐human cross‐reactive mAbs used for FCM analysis of canine PBLs

mAb Clone Isotype Fluorescence Labeling Target Species/Species Cross‐Reactivitya
CD45 YKIX716.13 rIgG2b APC Anti‐canine or Antihuman
CD3 CD3‐12 rIgG1 FITC Anti‐humana
CD4 YKIX302.9 rIgG2a APC Anticanine
CD8α YCATE 55.9 rIgG1 PE Anticanine
CD8β CA15.4G2 mIgG1 α‐mIgG1‐AlexaFluor647b , c Anticanine
CD21 B‐ly‐4 mIgG1 APC Anti‐human37
CD79αcy HM57 mIgG1 PE Anti‐human38
TCRαβ CA15.8G7 mIgG1 α‐mIgG1‐AlexaFluor488b , d Anticanine
TCRγδ CA20.8H1 mIgG2a α‐mIgG2a‐FITCb , e Anticanine

mAb, monoclonal antibodies; CD, cluster of differentiation; IgG, immunoglobulin G; TCR, T‐cell receptor; m, mouse; α‐m, anti‐mouse; r, rat; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; APC, allophycocyanin; PE, phycoerythrin; a, cross‐reactivity established by: CD3‐12, Serotec, technical datasheet MCA1477, CD21, see reference 37, CD79, see reference 38; b, fluorescence labeling was achieved by use of a secondary antibody; c, goat anti‐mouse IgG1‐Alexa647; Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA; d, goat anti‐mouse IgG1‐Alexa488; Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA; e, goat F(ab)2 anti‐mouse IgG2a‐FITC; SouthernBiotech, Birmingham, AL.