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. 2017 Oct 24;67(665):e842–e850. doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X693461
Name Read Code V3 Read Code V2
[V]Problems with learning ZV400 N/A
[X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified Eu81z N/A
[X]Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified Eu81z Eu81z
Angelman’s syndrome PKyz5 PKyz5
Asperger syndrome X00TP Eu845
Athetoid cerebral palsy or Vogt’s dis: [ophth][neurol] F1370 F1370
Attendance at special school XM1Zd N/A
Attending day centre XaLLI N/A
Autistic disorder XE2v2 N/A
Benign autosomal dominant microcephaly X77qk N/A
Chromosomal abnormality PJ... PJ...
Classical phenylketonuria Xa0lA N/A
Communication assistance from carer requested XaR79 N/A
Communication skills XaIyF N/A
Congenital cerebral palsy XM1Pu F23..
Congenital cerebral palsy NOS F23z. F23z.
Day care centre YA265 8GE6.
Declined diabetic retinopathy screening XaPjM 9m0A.
Delayed reaction time X765f N/A
Dependent on others XaQv2 16ZB3
Developmental delay X76B7 R034E
Developmental disorder X00TI E2Fz
Attended diabetes structured education programme N/A 9OLB.
Diabetes structured education programme declined XaNTH 9OLM.
Diabetic patient unsuitable for digital retinal photography XaKT5 9OLD.
Difficulty analysing information XaAyZ N/A
Difficulty comprehending concept of danger Xa8LF N/A
Difficulty making considered choices XaA3B N/A
Difficulty making decisions X75x8 N/A
Difficulty making plans X75x7 N/A
Difficulty performing logical sequencing XaA2O N/A
Difficulty processing information XaAyV N/A
Difficulty processing information accurately XaCy8 N/A
Difficulty processing information at normal speed XaCyB N/A
Difficulty reasoning XaA2L N/A
Difficulty solving problems X75x5 N/A
Difficulty telling the time Xa3BA N/A
Difficulty using arithmetic reasoning XaA2d N/A
Difficulty using decision-making strategies XaA2T N/A
Difficulty using verbal reasoning XaA2h N/A
Difficulty using visuospatial reasoning XaA2Y N/A
Diffuse neurofibroma X78E5 N/A
Domiciliary service need 13V5. 13V5.
Dominated by carer Ua29k N/A
Down’s syndrome XE1MZ PJ0-98
Down’s syndrome NOS X78Ek PJ0z.
Educated at mixed mainstream and special needs school Ua0SI N/A
Educated at special needs school Ua0SG N/A
Edwards’ syndrome PJ2.. PJ2..
Edwards’ syndrome NOS X78Em N/A
Evidence of lack of understanding Y1944 N/A
Exc learn disability quality indicators: informed dissent XaRFM N/A
Exc learn disability quality indicators: patient unsuitable XaRFN 9hL1.
Family/carer attended diabetes structured education prog XaKH1 9hL0.
Family/carer referral to diabetes structured education prog XaKGz 8Hj1.
Fragile X chromosome PJyy2 PJyy2
Fragile X syndrome X78FB N/A
Global developmental delay Ua14s Eu85.
Has contact with multiple support agencies XaJQr N/A
Has difficulty with speech 1B93. 1B93.
Help by relatives 13WJ. 13WJ.
Home help attends 13G61 13G61
Hydromicrocephaly P210. P210.
Impaired cognition Ua189 N/A
Infantile autism NOS E140z E140z
Informed dissent for diabetes national audit XaJrE 9M10.
Intellectual functioning disability Ub0ih N/A
Klinefelter syndr: [male, more than 2 X chrom][XXXY][XXXXY] PJ71. N/A
Klinefelter’s syndrome PJ7.. N/A
Klinefelter’s syndrome NOS PJ7z. PJ7z.
Klinefelter’s syndrome XXXXY XM1MK N/A
Klinefelter’s syndrome XXXY XM1MJ N/A
Klinefelter’s syndrome XXYY PJ73. PJ73.
Klinefelter’s syndrome XY/XXY mosaic PJ74. PJ74.
Klinefelter’s syndrome — male with more than two X chromosomes XE1Mg PJ71.
Learning difficulties 13Z4E 13Z4E
Learning disabilities administration status XaJW7 N/A
Learning disabilities annual health assessment XaL3Q 9HB5.
Learning disabilities health action plan completed XaJsd 9HB4
Learning disabilities health action plan declined XaJW9 9HB0.
Learning disabilities health action plan offered XaJW8 9HB1.
Learning disabilities health action plan reviewed XaJWA 9HB2.
Learning disabilities health assessment XaJmb 9HB3.
Lives in a welfare home 13F71 13F71
Lives in care home XaMFG 13FX.
Lives in staffed home Ua0Lj N/A
Lives in supported home Ua0Le N/A
Memory: present time not known N/A 3A20.
Mental handicap problem 6664 6664
Micrencephaly P211. P211.
Microcephalus NOS P21z. P21z.
Microcephaly P21.. P21..
Mild cognitive impairment N/A 28E0
Moderate cognitive impairment N/A 28E1
Multiple system congenital anomalies NEC XE1Ml PKy0.
Needs help with cooking XaIwv 39G0.
Needs help with housework XaIwu 39G..
Neu–Laxova syndrome Xa0ZQ N/A
Neurofibromatosis Xa99T N/A
Neurofibromatosis type 1 B927. B927.
Neurofibromatosis type 1 B927. N/A
Neurofibromatosis type 2 X78E2 N/A
Neurofibromatosis type 3 X78E3 N/A
Noonan’s syndrome PKy80 PKy80
Not involved in dealing with own monies Ua29y N/A
Other accommodation with care and support not specialist mental health Y0adf N/A
Other skill difficulties Y2617 N/A
Parent provides full-time care XaQ8Y N/A
Parent provides part-time care XaQQV N/A
Partial trisomy 18 in Edwards’ syndrome X78En N/A
Partial trisomy 21 in Down’s syndrome X78El N/A
Phenylketonuria C301. C301.
Prader–Willi syndrome PKy93 PKy93
Preferred method of communication: Makaton XaR76 N/A
Preferred place of care — learning disability unit XaR4m N/A
Primary microcephaly XM00P N/A
Problem related to life management difficultly, unspecified N/A ZVu5C
Receives help from friend Ua0VF N/A
Care from friends N/A 8GEB.
Receives help from lay carer Ua0VD N/A
Receives help from neighbour Ua0VH N/A
Receives help from relative Ua0VG N/A
Care from relatives N/A 8GEA
Receives help from voluntary agency Ua0VE N/A
Referral to learning disability team XaJmc 8HHP.
Requires communication partner XaJHX N/A
Rett syndrome Eu842 Eu842
Secondary microcephaly X77ql N/A
Segmental neurofibromatosis X78E4 N/A
Severe cognitive impairment N/A 28E2
Slow flow of thought X75xy N/A
Slow learner Ua187 N/A
Problems with learning N/A ZV400
Special educational needs Ub0gW N/A
Special educational plan in place Y4850 N/A
Speech limited 1B441 1B441
Sturge–Weber syndrome PK61. PK61.
Supported accommodation Y0ad2 N/A
Supported group home Y0ad4 N/A
Supported lodgings Y0ad3 N/A
Suspected autism XaIuT N/A
Trisomy 21 — meiotic nondisjunction PJ00. PJ00.
Trisomy 21 — mitotic nondisjunction mosaicism PJ01. PJ01.
Trisomy 21, translocation N/A PJ02.
Tuberous sclerosis PK5.. PK5..
Unable to analyse information XaAyY N/A
Unable to comprehend concept of danger Xa8LE 1BV1.
Unable to express self Xa3Y1 N/A
Unable to make considered choices XaA3A 28Q1.
Unable to manage medication Xa2yD N/A
Unable to perform logical sequencing XaA2P N/A
Unable to perform shopping activities Xa7h1 N/A
Unable to plan Xa3bT N/A
Unable to process information XaAyU N/A
Unable to process information accurately XaCy7 N/A
Unable to process information at normal speed XaCyA N/A
Unable to read XaBmf N/A
Unable to reason XaA2K N/A
Unable to tell the time Xa3BD N/A
Unable to think clearly X75yC N/A
Unable to use arithmetic reasoning XaA2c N/A
Unable to use decision-making strategies XaA2S N/A
Unable to use medication N/A 8BIj.
Unable to use verbal reasoning XaA2g N/A
Unable to use visuospatial reasoning XaA2X N/A
Unable to write XaAzP N/A
Voluntary worker attends XE0p5 N/A
Williams syndrome PKy4. PKy4.
XXY Klinefelter’s syndrome PJ70. PJ70.
XXY Klinefelter’s syndrome PJy3. PJy3.

Exc = excluding. LD = learning disability. NEC = not elsewhere classified. NOS = Not otherwise specified.