Obstetrician |
Usually makes the diagnosis, referral to heme/onc
Brings experience in high-risk pregnancies (patients with active malignancy)
Provides counseling regarding pregnancy termination (if recommended by the team)
Establishes the timing and method of delivery
Supervises effective postpartum contraception for a minimum of 2 years (greatest risk of relapse)
Hematologist/medical oncologist |
Performs oncologic history and physical and plans staging
History searching for B symptoms or other symptomatic problems suggesting more advanced disease
Physical examination for lymphadenopathy or organomegaly
Complete blood cell counts
Serum creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, bilirubin and protein electrophoresis (including albumin level)
Chest radiograph, PA view only, with appropriate shielding
Abdominal ultrasound for retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Formulates therapeutic plan
Administers chemotherapy if deemed necessary
Provides supportive care for patients treated with chemotherapy to keep Hgb ≥100 g/L and platelet count ≥30×109/L, and reviews safety of medications used for supportive care during pregnancy
Coordinates delivery planning and chemotherapy administration to ensure that platelet count is ≥50×109/L at the time of delivery
Arranges oncology follow-up after pregnancy to complete appropriate staging
Neonatologist |
Has experience in high-risk pregnancies
Has experience in childhood hematologic disorders
Examines placenta and arranges histopathologic evaluation for presence of metastasis
Coordinates newborn care at time of delivery
Delivers early post-natal care of newborn
Registers newborn to central registry of children born to pregnant mothers with HL
Counsels about breastfeeding
Schedules long term follow-up of newborn
Nurse coordinator |