Fig. 5.
TrkB is required in adult NPCs to mediate the antidepressant effects of ketamine. a The quantification on BDNF immunoblots of dissected adult CA1 and DG regions shows the BDNF protein level significantly increases 1 h after saline (S) or ketamine (K) treatment. (n = 3; ***p < 0.0001 for CA1, ***p < 0.0001 for DG). b Nestin-creERT2; TrkB flox/flox (TrkBNes) mice were induced with tamoxifen (TAM) three weeks before saline (Sal) or ketamine (Ket) treatment. BrdU pulses were administrated sixteen days before treatment, and mice were given behavior tests (BT) 1 h, 24 h or 1 week after treatment. c The percentage of newborn NeuN+/DCX− neurons in BrdU+ cells (two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc, ***p = 0.0001 for saline vs ketamine in control mice; **p = 0.0031 for ketamine-treated control vs TrkBNes; p = 0.2510 for saline vs ketamine in TrkBNes). d Percentage of newborn DCX+ cells (two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc, **p = 0.0048 for saline vs ketamine in control; *p = 0.0219 for ketamine treatment in control vs TrkBNes). e In the FST, TrkBNes mice respond to ketamine 1 h after treatment (two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc, **p = 0.0013 for saline vs ketamine in control mice and ***p < 0.001 for saline vs ketamine in TrkBNes). However, they do not retain the behavioral response at both (f) 24 h (two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc, ***p < 0.001 for saline vs ketamine in control mice and for ketamine treatment in control vs TrkBNes) and (g) 1 week (two-way ANOVA with unweighted mean analysis, Tukey post hoc, ***p = 1.773E-8 for saline vs ketamine in control mice and ***p = 2.633E−6 for ketamine treatment in control vs TrkBNes). (h) In the NSFT, the TrkBNes mice have a longer latency to feed compared with ketamine-treated control mice (two-way ANOVA, Tukey post hoc, ***p < 0.001 for saline vs ketamine in control mice (p = 0.0007) and for ketamine treatment in control vs TrkBNes (p = 0.0006)). i Cumulative feeding latency is measured (Mantel–Cox log-rank test ***p < 0.0001 for ketamine treatment in control mice compared with other groups). Dash-line highlights the time-point when all ketamine-treated control mice had eaten, compared with a significant lower percentage of mice in the other groups. j We observed no confounding effects on appetite (two-way ANOVA). Circles in solid color denote female mouse data points