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. 2017 Nov 7;5(11):e154. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.7091

Table 1.

Sociodemographics for continuous variables by group.

Variable App (N=60), mean (SDa) Brochure (N=60),
mean (SD)
All (N=120), break/>mean (SD) Group difference
t (degrees of freedom) P value
Age, in years 51.38 (8.74) 51.82 (10.36) 51.60 (9.55) −0.25 (118) .81
Years living in the United States 17.90 (9.65) 18.97 (11.89) 18.43 (10.80) −0.54 (118) .59
Age at the time of immigration to the United States 33.80 (9.78) 33.19 (7.68) 33.50 (8.76) 0.38 (118) .71
Years of education 15.00 (2.73) 15.28 (3.75) 15.14 (3.27) −0.47 (118) .64

aSD: standard deviation.