Demographic models tested against our nSSR datasets with DIYABC. (a) Time priors: priors (in years) in perspective of the Earth climate reconstruction from the Vostok Ice Core in the Antarctic [36]. (b) Broad time models: (i) constant population size, (ii) population decline, (iii) population expansion, and (iv) population bottleneck followed by expansion (time priors in generations for all events: t0 = t1 = 1 900–0). (c) Narrow time models: (i) constant population size, (ii) bottleneck during the PGM and/or subsequent expansion, (iii) bottleneck during the Last Glacial Maximum, LGM, and/or subsequent expansion and (iv) bottleneck during the climatic pejoration of the recent Holocene, and/or subsequent expansion (time priors in generations: beginning PGM bottleneck = t1′ = 1 400–1 900, beginning PD = t0′ = 1 200–1 300, beginning LGM bottleneck = t3′ = 200–700, beginning LD = t2′ = 100–120, beginning Holocene bottleneck = t5′ = 20–40, beginning Holocene expansion = t4′ = 10–30). Effective population sizes were Ne = 1 000–50 000 and N1 = 10–500. PGM, Penultimate Glacial Maximum; LGM, Last Glacial Maximum; PD, Penultimate Deglaciation; LD, Last Deglaciation.