Figure 5.
Immunoreactivity for FosB in the subregions of the periaqueductal gray (PAG). (A) The number of immunoreactivity FosB cells within the PAG was significantly increased in the Male only EtOH group compared with the Both EtOH and Control groups. There was no difference in the number of FosB cells in the PAG when both partners were exposed to EtOH compared with when both partners were exposed to only water. The PAG was divided into three subregions: (B) dorsal medial, (C) dorsal lateral, and (D) lateral. The three different two-bottle choice conditions had no significant effect on the number of FosB cells within the dorsal medial and dorsal lateral regions of the PAG. The number of FosB cells within the lateral region of the PAG significantly differed between the three treatment groups (D). The Male only EtOH group showed an increase in the number of FosB cells within the lateral PAG when compared with the Both EtOH and Control groups, thus leading to an increase in the total number of FosB cells within the PAG. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM.