Figure 2. Tumor Burden Change in Target Lesions.
The waterfall plots show the maximum change from baseline in the sum of the reference diameters of the target lesion in patients receiving nivolumab (Panel A), nivolumab plus ipilimumab (Panel B), and ipilimumab (Panel C). Data are shown for all the patients who had a response that could be evaluated in the target lesion at baseline and who underwent at least one tumor assessment during treatment. The percentage increase was truncated at 100% (rectangles). Symbols indicate patients who had a response to treatment according to the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, version 1.1. The vertical dashed lines indicate a 30% reduction in the tumor burden in the target lesion, and the horizontal dashed line indicates the inflexion point for the nivolumab plus ipilimumab group.