Fig. 3.
Marker gene expression profiles of human germ cells, hPGCLCs, and precursors across various protocols. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of human embryonic and in vitro germline cells generated in four independent laboratories using different protocols. Clustering was performed based on 46 marker genes of pluripotency (blue), PGC (red), and AGCs (green). Color-coded cell types shown at the top of the heat map are indicated in B. Groups of genes expressed in the (1) pluripotent precursor cells, (2) nongermline EB cells (CD38−), (3) hPGCLCs, and (4) AGCs are shown with yellow rectangles. Gray color indicates zero value data, reflecting the absence of expression. GS, gonadal somatic cells; TC, TCam-2 human seminoma cells. (B) Color identifications of transcriptomal data. Data from this study are indicated by red caps in B and circles in C. Data reported by Sasaki et al. (16), Irie et al. (15), and Gkountela et al. (23) are indicated in green, blue, and orange, respectively. (C) PCA of human embryonic and in vitro germline cells with data shown in A. PC, principal component.