a) Representative traces of changes in fluorescence (dF) scaled to resting fluorescence (F
R) during multiple stimulations in toadfish SFMs. The dF/F
R signal inversely relates to the myoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca
i). The first transient clearly shows an increased peak magnitude compared to the consecutive transients. Color coding from green (twitch 1) to red (twitch 10). (
b) dF/F
R transients overlaid for the 10 twitches and (
c) corresponding dF/F
R peak magnitude and FWHM as a function of twitch number. (
d) In toadfish SFMs, dF/F
R peak magnitude is higher for the first twitch compared to the consecutive ones confirming earlier observations (
Harwood et al., 2011), but dF/F
R FWHM does not change as a function of twitch number. (
e–g) Results for zebra finch SFM. (
h) Both dF/F
R peak magnitude and FWHM do not significantly change as a function of twitch number (KW, p>0.05). The trend to longer duration FWHM with twitch number may be explained by measurement inaccuracy due to low signal to noise ratio.