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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Feb 15.
Published in final edited form as: Biol Psychiatry. 2017 May 22;83(4):300–310. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2017.05.014

Table 1. Overview of genomic risk loci and genes with common and rare variants identified through Alzheimer's disease (AD) linkage studies, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and whole genome /whole exome sequencing (WGS/WES).

Identification of a functional variant in a specific causal gene has only been established for a few loci. In those cases the putative gene and variant are named in the table with additional information about the cell type-specific gene expression and related biological processes. The odds ratio from a case-control study tells about the association of disease outcome with the presence of certain genotype: increased (risk) or decreased (protection) chances of getting the disease for an individual with one risk allele versus having no risk alleles. Adjacent genes were selected with dbSNP database by searching for the tagging SNP. Definitive conclusion about SNP association requires replication in independent datasets. QTL: quantitative trait loci.

Chr SNPs Closest gene name Genes adjacent to the SNP Putative gene with functional significance Cell type-specific express ion of putative gene Biological processes Odds ratio meta-analysis for minor allele with 95% confidence interval (CI) (common/ rare variant) References
Chr1 rs6656401 CR1 CR2, CR1, CR1L CR1 intragenic copy number variations leading to longer isoform overproduction Microglia Immune response and phagocytosis 1.18 (1.14–1.22) (32)
Chr2 rs6733839 BIN1 BIN1, CYP27C1 BIN13 base pair insertion Ubiquitous Endocytosis 1.22 (1.18– 1.25) (32)
Chr2 rs35349669 INPP5D NEU2, INPP5D, ATG16L1 / / / 1.08 (1.05– 1.11) (32)
Chr5 rs2074612 HBEG F CYSTM1 , PFDN1, HBEGF / / / 1.08 (1.05– 1.11) (138, 139)
Chr5 rs190982 MEF2 C TMEM161B, MIR9-2, LINC00461, MEF2C, MEF2C-AS1 / / / 0.93 (0.90– 0.95) (32)
Chr6 rs10948363 CD2AP TNFRSF21, CD2AP, ADGRF2, ADGRF4, OPN5 / / / 1.10 (1.07– 1.13) (32)
Chr6 rs9271192 HLA-DRB1 / HLA-DRB5 C6orf10, BTNL2, HLA-DRA, HLA-DRB5, HLA-DRB6, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1, HLA-DQA2, HLA-DQB2, HLA-DOB / / / 1.11 (1.08– 1.15) (32)
Chr7 rs11771145 EPHA1 ZYX, EPHA1, EPHA-AS1, TAS2R62P, TAS2R60 / / / 0.90 (0.88– 0.93) (32)
Chr7 rs2718058 NME8 GPR141 , NME8, SFRP4, EPDR1 / / / 0.93 (0.90– 0.95) (32)
Chr7 rs1476679 ZCWP W1 GPC2, STAG3, PVRIG, GATS, SPDYE3 , PILRB, PILRA, ZCWPW1, MEPCE, C7orf61 PILRB expression QTL Microglia Inflammatory signal transduction 0.91 (0.89– 0.94) (32, 141)
Chr8 rs9331896 CLU EPHX2, CLU, SCARA3 CLU rare coding variants and insertions / deletions Astrocytes Lipid metabolis m 0.86 (0.84– 0.89) (32)
Chr8 rs28834970 PTK2 B TRIM35, PTK2B, CHRNA2 / / / 1.10 (1.08– 1.13) (32)
Chr10 rs7920721 ECHDC3 USP6NL , ECHDC3, PROSE R2 / / / 1.07 (1.04– 1.10) (138, 139)
Chr11 rs10838725 CELF1 DDB2, ACP2, NR1H3, MADD, MYBPC3, SPI1, SLC39A13, PSMC3, RAPSN, CELF1, PTPMT1, KBTBD4, NDUFS3, FAM180B, C1QTN F4, MTCH2, AGBL2, FNBP4, NUP160 SPI1 expression QTL Myeloid cells Myeloid lineage determination 1.08 (1.05– 1.11) (32, 136)
Chr11 rs983392 MS4A6A OOSP2, MS4A3, MS4A2, MS4A6A , MS4A4E , MS4A4A , MS4A6E , MS4A7, MS4A14 , MS4A5, MS4A1 MS4A4A, MS4A6A expression QTL Microglia Chemosensory receptors 0.90 (0.87– 0.92) (32, 136)
Chr11 rs10792832 PICAL M CCDC83, PICALM , EED / / / 0.87 (0.85– 0.89) (32)
Chr11 rs11218343 SORL1 SORL1 SORL1 rare and common variants Ubiquitous Endocytosis and sorting 0.77 (0.72– 0.82) / 5.03 (2.02– 14.99) (32, 142)
Chr14 rs17125944 FERM T2 ERO1A, PSMC6, STYX, GNPNAT1, FERMT2 / / / 1.14 (1.09– 1.19) (32)
Chr14 rs10498633 SLC24 A4 / RIN3 SLC24A4, RIN3, LGMN / / / 0.91 (0.88– 0.94) (32)
Chr15 rs59685680 SPPL2 A USP8, USP50, TRPM7, SPPL2A / / / 0.92 (0.89– 0.95) (138)
Chr15 rs74615166 TRIP4 CSNK1G1, KIAA0101, TRIP4, ZNF609 / / / 1.31 (1.19– 1.44) (143)
Chr17 rs2632516 BZRA P1-AS1 TSPOAP1, BZRAP1 -AS1, SUPT4H1, RNF43 / / / 0.92 (0.91– 0.94) (139)
Chr17 rs77493189 SCIM P ZFP3, ZNF232, USP6, ZNF594, SCIMP, RABEP1 , NUP88, RPAIN, C1QBP, DHX33 / / / 1.11 (1.07– 1.15) (138)
Chr18 rs8093731 DSG2 DSG3, DSG2, DSG2-AS1 / / / 0.73 (0.62– 0.86) (32)
Chr19 rs4147929 ABCA7 CNN2, ABCA7, HMHA1, POLR2E ABCA7 rare and common loss-of-function mutations and deletions Ubiquitous Lipid metabolism and phagocytosis 1.15 (1.11– 1.19) / 2.81 (1.89– 4.20) (32, 86)
Chr19 rs429358 , rs7412 APOE APOE ε4 genotype Ubiquitous, major in astrocytes and microglia Lipid metabolism and phagocytosis ~3–12 (72, 73)
Chr19 rs3865444 CD33 SIGLEC9, SIGLEC7, CD33, SIGLECL1 CD33 alternative splicing of IgV domain Microglia Immune response and phagocytosis 0.94 (0.91– 0.96) (32)
Chr20 rs7274581 CASS4 AURKA, CSTF1, CASS4, RTFDC1, GCNT7 / / / 0.88 (0.84– 0.92) (32)
Chr4 rs137875858 UNC5 C UNC5C UNC5C
Neuron s Response to neurotoxic stimuli, cell death / (69)
Chr6 rs75932628 TREM2 TREM2 TREM2
Microglia Immune response and phagocytosis ~3–5 (61, 62)
Chr6 rs3747742 TREML2 TREML2 TREML2
Microglia Immune response 0.91 (0.86– 0.97) (144)
Chr7 rs144662445, rs149979685 AKAP9 AKAP9 AKAP9
I2546M, S3767L
Ubiquitous Kinase signaling 3.61 (1.51– 9.00) (70)
Chr15 rs61751103, rs145518263 ADAM10 ADAM10 ADAM10
Q170H, R181G
Ubiquit ous APP processing to Aβ / (24)
Chr16 rs72824905 PLCG2 PLCG2 PLCG2
Microglia Phospholipase signaling 0.68 (CI not reported) (137)
Chr17 rs616338 ABI3 ABI3 ABI3
Microglia Cell growth 1.43 (CI not reported) (137)
Chr19 rs145999145 PLD3 PLD3 PLD3
Ubiquit ous Unknown 2.75 (2.05– 3.68) (68)
Chr21 rs63750847 APP APP APP
Ubiquit ous APP processing to Aβ ~0.2 (60)