Figure 1. Genetic deletion of Sost decreases osteolysis and prevents bone loss induced by MM tumors without affecting tumor growth.
(a) Experimental design (IT-intratibial injection). (b) Bone mineral density (BMD); *p≤0.05 vs wt/Scid mice. (c) Serum human Kappa light chain 4-wks after cell inoculation (n.d., not detected). (d) Tibia X-rays and number/area of osteolytic lesions (n.d., not detected) *p≤0.05 vs wt/Scid JJN3-injected mice. (e) MicroCT images and microarchitecture of proximal tibia cancellous bone; # p≤0.05 vs wt/Scid (saline); *p≤0.05 vs saline-injected mice. Saline/JJN3-injected: n=7/9 wt/Scid and n=6/10 Sost−/−/Scid mice. Box plots: middle line in box represents the median, whiskers the 95% confidence interval of the mean, and circles are outliers from the 95% confidence interval. (BV/TV) is bone volume over tissue volume; (Tb.N) is trabecular number; (Tb.Th) is trabecular thickness and (Tb.Sp) is trabecular separation.