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. 2017 Nov 22;7:16088. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15795-7

Table 2.

Intelligence-related effects in within-module and between-module connectivity.

Brain Region BA Hem x y z t max k
A: Participation coefficient p i (between-module connectivity)
positive association
     anterior insula* 47, 13 R 36 33 −6 4.09 63
     anterior insula 47, 13 L −33 30 6 3.36 33
     middle occipital / lingual gyrus 17, 18 L −21 −84 −6 3.38 55
 negative association
     superior frontal gyrus* 10 R/L 15 66 21 −2.61 38
     inferior parietal lobule 40 L −36 −45 42 −2.60 42
     temporo-parietal junction* 39, 40 L −51 −51 30 −2.60 175
     temporo-parietal junction* 39 R 57 −63 24 −2.63 43
B: Within-module degree z i (within-module connectivity)
 positive association
     superior frontal gyrus* 10, 9 R/L −15 54 36 3.93 287
     superior frontal gyrus 10 R 12 36 42 3.83 29
     middle frontal gyrus 9, 8 L −45 21 42 3.99 52
     inferior precentral gyrus / superior temporal gyrus 22, 44 L −54 0 9 4.10 108
     inferior frontal gyrus / inferior precentral gyrus 44, 13 R 51 3 15 4.31 175
     superior parietal lobule 5, 7 L −36 −42 66 3.36 42
     temporo-parietal junction* 39 L −54 −63 27 4.41 177
     temporo-parietal junction* 39 R 57 −63 33 4.04 65
negative Association
     anterior insula* 47, 13 R 33 30 −15 −2.61 81
     superior precentral gyrus 4, 3 L −18 −15 66 −2.63 65
     superior precentral gyrus/supplementary motor area 6 R 21 −24 57 −2.60 108
     hippocampus L −27 −21 −6 −2.61 74
     hippocampus R 33 −27 −6 −2.61 32
     caudate nucleus L −6 24 −3 −2.60 71
C: Conjunction between participation coefficient p i and within-module degree z i
     superior frontal gyrus 10 R/L 3 66 24 38
     anterior insula 47, 13 R 33 30 −12 49
     temporo-parietal junction 39, 40 L −57 −69 21 116
     temporo-parietal junction 39, 40 R 51 −60 24 35

BA, approximate Brodmann’s area; Hem, hemisphere; L, left; R, right; regions with intelligence-related effects in both measures (between-module and within-module connectivity) are marked with an asterisk and separately listed in (C); coordinates refer to the Montreal Neurological Institute template brain (MNI152); t max, maximum t statistic in the cluster; k, cluster size in voxels of size 3 × 3 × 3 mm.