(A) Representative EPSPs obtained from computational simulations for INaP with fast activation (τNaP = 0.1 ms) and slow activation (τNaP = 100 ms), where V = −67 mV. The aEPSC is drawn below the trace. (B) EPSP amplitude for a model containing only linear current (No NaP) or linear plus INaP with fast activation (τNaP = 0.1 ms) for different membrane potentials. (C) The same as in (B), except that the model used INaP with slow activation (τNaP = 100 ms). (Inset) Zoom of the plot. Scale bar, vertical, 0.005 mV; horizontal, 5 mV. (D) EPSP area normalized by the amplitude for only linear current (No NaP) and linear plus INaP with fast or slow activation/deactivation time constant (τNaP = 0.1 or 100 ms, respectively).