Figure 3.
Mechanical modeling and electrical/mechanical characteristics of the electrode. a) The mechanics model for a thin film wrapping around a rat brain and a cylinder of radius R. b) Total bending stiffness of stretchable neural electrode arrays on PDMS substrates of the different mixing ratio as a function of the PDMS thickness. c) Comparing results from the mechanics modeling and wrapping experiments. d) The contour map showing the relationship between the conformal critical radius (R), thickness and Young's modulus of the elastomeric substrate. e) Electrochemical impedance spectra, magnitude (left) and phase (right), measured at nine different recording sites in the stretchable neural electrode array configured for ECoG. f) The FEA strain distribution results of the electrodes arrays when under 10.4% uniaxial stretching along the vertical direction. g) The FEA strain distribution results of the electrodes arrays when bending to a radius of curvature of 7.5 mm.