Figure 2.
Intralipid treatment reduces the toxic side effects of DACHPt/HANP on day 9. (A) Changes of the body weight of rats upon administration of DACHPt/HANP, with and without treatment of Intralipid (N = 6). (B–M) Light microscopic images of H&E-stained (B,C,F,G, and J,K) and TUNEL-stained (D,E,H–I and L,M) spleen tissue sections. (B,E) are observed from the spleen-tissue sections of DACHPt/HANP administrated, but no Intralipid-treated, animals. (F–I) are from the Intralipid-treated animals. (J–M) are from the spleen-tissue sections of the naïve SD rats. (C,E,G,I,K and M) are the enlarged views of (B,D,F,H,J and L), respectively. Red arrows on (D,E,I and M) indicate the apoptotic cells. An enlarged view of the apoptotic spleen cells is shown as an example in (E). (N–Y) Light microscopic images of H&E-stained and TUNEL-stained kidney tissue sections. Red arrows on (P,Q,T,U and Y) indicate the apoptotic cells. An enlarged view of the apoptotic kidney cells is shown as an example in (Q). (N–Q) are observed from the kidney-tissue sections of DACHPt/HANP administrated, but no Intralipid-treated, animals. (R–U) are from the Intralipid-treated animals. (V–Y) are from the kidney-tissue sections of the naïve SD rats. (Z) Change of the Pt concentration in the kidney as measured by ICP-MS, upon Intralipid treatment, in the multiple-dose experiment.