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. 2017 Nov 23;17:220. doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-1167-3

Table 2.

Loci for black point resistance in 166 wheat accessions identified by both the Tassel v5.0 and FarmCPU

Markera Chrb Physical intervalc (bp) Environment d SNPe P-valuef R 2g (%) QTL/geneh
IWB22408 2A 709,831,643-709,831,743 E1, E2, E3, E4, E6 T/C 1.2–9.8 E−04 7.9–14.7 QBp.caas-2AL [23]; QPPO.caas-2AL [55]
PPO-A1 2A 712,188,721–712,187,200 E1, E2, E3, E4, E6 2.4–5.5 E−04 9.9–11.6 PPO-A1 [56]
AX_108,951,749 2B 714,389,068–714,388,998 E2, E3, E4, E6 T/C 2.0–7.3 E−04 8.8–11.5 QBp.caas-2BL [23]
AX_111,053,669 3A 9,605,904–9,605,974 E2, E3, E4, E6 A/G 2.4–8.6 E−04 8.3–10.4
AX_108826477 3B 58,767,930–58,768,000 E1, E3 A/C 1.5–9.7 E−04 7.9–11.0
AX_108,797,097 3B 695,967,481–695,967,411 E1, E2, E3, E6 A/G 1.2–9.6 E−04 8.0–11.9 QBp.caas-3BL [23]
AX_110941533 3D 4,066,092–4,066,162 E2, E3, E4, E6 A/C 4.1–9.4 E−04 8.2–9.7
AX_108983386 4B 6,961,084–6,961,154 E5 C/G 1.7–9.4 E−05 8.0–10.5
AX_111488843 4B 504,944,902–504,944,832 E1, E2, E3, E6 A/T 7.0 E−06-2.6 E−04 9.9–15.5
IWB8709 5A 32,887,598–32,887,698 E3 A/G 1.9–5.3 E−04 8–8.9 QBp.caas-5AS [23]; QPod.caas-5AS [57]
AX_109316564 5A 535,780,381–535,780,311 E1, E3, E6 T/G 4.8–9.9 E−04 8.1–11.4
IWA2223 5A 592,276,555–592,276,708 E1, E2, E3, E4, E6 A/G 3.4 E−06-9.4 E−04 8.0–18.0
IWA5214 5B 302,177,272–302,177,428 E2 A/C 8.60 E−04 8.1
AX_110617778 5B 531,539,253–531,539,323 E2, E3 A/T 1.4–9.5 E−04 8.0–11.5
AX_110056162 5B 556,183,885–556,183,955 E5 T/C 4.2–7.3 E−04 8.3–11.0
AX_108,821,301 6A 94,2114,60–94,211,390 E4 C/G 1.4–8.0 E−04 9.1–11.2 QBp.caas-6A [23]
AX_110578177 6B 676,210,414–676,210,344 E1 A/T 4.2–5.1 E−04 8.6–8.9
AX_109359792 6D 217,194,463–217,194,533 E4 A/G 6.30 E−04 8.5
AX_111086566 7A 88,862,791–88,862,721 E1, E6 T/C 2.2–8.8 E−04 8.6–11.6
AX_108743156 7A 136,398,412–136,398,482 E4, E5, E6 A/G 5.0–9.8 E−04 7.9–9.2
AX_109,311,326 7A 609,508,901–609,508,971 E2 T/C 8.50 E−04 8.2 QBp.caas-7AL.2 [23]
AX_111042346 7A 670,876,731–670,876,661 E5, E6 C/G 2.6–4.9 E−04 9.0–12.8
AX_109491960 7A 70,8211,110–708,211,040 E4 A/C 1.7–9.1 E−04 8.4–11.2
AX_108870509 7B 729,224,017–729,224,087 E1, E2, E3, E6 A/G 3.0 E−05-8.6 E−04 8.0–13.0
AX_109370330 7D 129,917,622–129,917,692 E1, E3 A/C 5.2–9.5 E−04 8.7–9.6
AX_109033824 7D 615,826,844–615,826,914 E5 A/C 8.30 E−04 8.2

aRepresentative markers at the resistance loci

bChr: Chromosome

cThe physical positions of SNP markers based on wheat genome sequences from the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC,

dE1: Anyang 2013; E2: Anyang 2014; E3: Anyang 2015; E4: Suixi 2013; E5: Suixi 2014; E6: Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) calculated from all five environments. The data from the results of Tassel v5.0

eFavorable allele (SNP) is underlined

fThe P-values were calculated by the Tassel v5.0

gPercentage of phenotypic variance explained by the MTA from the results of Tassel v5.0

hThe previously reported QTL or genes within the same chromosomal regions