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. 2017 Nov 23;18:557. doi: 10.1186/s13063-017-2318-4

Table 1.

Treatment In Morning versus Evening (TIME) study registration statistics: how participants heard about the study and cost, if known

Recruitment method Registrations (n = 30,775) (%) Randomised (n = 20,914) (%) Cost per randomised participant (if known)
Radio 70 (< 1) 62 (< 1)
Friends/relatives 102 (< 1) 65 (< 1)
Web search 96 (< 1) 53 (< 1)
From GP 22,675 (74) 15,932 (76) £17.40
MEMO website 104 (< 1) 44 (< 1)
Practice poster 261 (< 1) 161 (< 1) £78.00
TIME video (YouTube) 14(< 1) 6 (< 1)
Medscape 8 (< 1) 3 (< 1)
BHF Heart Matters 332 (1) 249 (1)
Pharmacy 27 (< 1) 16 (< 1)
Newspaper 17 (< 1) 8 (< 1)
Hospital or clinic 939 (3) 615 (3)
Biobank 5358 (17) 3242 (16) £3.08
GoShare 55 (< 1) 34 (< 1) £58.82
Other 717 (2) 424 (2)

BHF British Heart Foundation, GP General practitioner