Figure 2. E11.5 Frs2αST−/− embryos exhibit aberrant ureteric bud induction.
(a–b) 3D reconstructions of E11.5 control and Frs2αST−/− urogenital tissues reveal common nephric duct lengths (white lines) of greater variability in Frs2αST−/− embryos (b) versus controls (a). (c) Graph illustrating that most control CND lengths are within 1 SD of the control mean length (lines), whereas Frs2αST−/− CND lengths are frequently > 1 SD on either side of the control mean length. (d) Graph illustrating that control intra-embryonic CND lengths are almost all within 1SD of the control mean length (lines), whereas almost all Frs2αST−/− intra-embryonic CND lengths are > 1 SD on either side of the control mean length. (n) = 5 embryos per genotype. Fisher’s Exact Test = *p<0.05. **p<0.01. Green – Metanephric mesenchyme; Orange – Cloaca; Pink – Wolffian Duct and ureteric bud; Asterisks – ureteric bud tips. Scale bar = 200μm.