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. 2017 Oct 25;106(Suppl 6):1647S–1654S. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.117.155986


Anemia and ID in 4 North American pregnant populations1

Trimester, % (n)
Study, year (reference) Iron status variable 1 2 3 Delivery, % (n)
NHANES (ages 12–49 y) ID; SF <12 μg/L 7.3 (189) 23.7 (416) 39.2 (384)
 Mei et al., 2011 (12) Anemia 2.7 (189) 2.2 (416) 10.8 (384)
APrON2 (ages 16–40 y) ID; SF <12 μg/L 3 (286) 10 (1020) 40 (847)
 Unpublished Anemia 2 (540) 2 (1894) 5 (1673)
Teens (ages 13–18 y) ID; SF <12 μg/L 6.5 (137) 22.2 (99) 34.8 (46) 21.4 (206)
 Lee et al., 2014 (50) Anemia 32.5 (123) 42.3 (85) 35 (228)
Multiples (ages 20–46 y) ID; SF <12 μg/L 37 (73) 26.2 (61)
 Ru et al., 2016 (58) Anemia 31.5 (73) 42.6 (61)

APrON, Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study; ID, iron deficiency; SF, serum ferritin.


Unpublished data from the APrON cohort were provided by R Bell and C Field (University of Alberta, Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, personal communication, 2016).