Table 1.
Group means at T1 and at T2, with and without reinforcement
Measure | TD (T1) | TD (T2) − | TD (T2) + | ADHD (T1) | ADHD (T2) − | ADHD (T2) + |
Number of participants | 54 | 28 | 26 | 42 | 16 | 26 |
Reaction time in ms (SD) | 730 (175) | 670 (130) | 712 (228) | 730 (161) | 741 (98) | 767 (206) |
Reaction time variability in ms (SD) | 203 (52) | 192 (44) | 177 (49) | 237 (48) | 254 (45) | 230 (58) |
% choice errors (SD) | 3.49 (3.91) | 3.38 (3.46) | 3.27 (3.18) | 5.90 (5.34) | 4.76 (3.76) | 5.24 (4.64) |
% omission errors (SD) | 2.38 (3.13) | 0.98 (1.34) | 2.40 (3.74) | 3.83 (3.74) | 5.84 (5.73) | 5.91 (6.17) |
SSRT in ms (SD) | 254 (65) | 260 (53) | 246 (62) | 282 (75) | 269 (54) | 243 (54) |
Symbols + and – represent conditions with and without reinforcement
Note that this table depicts the % of choice and omission errors, whereas the square root is used in the analyses. Note that the number of ADHD participants in the conditions without and with reinforcement is unequal, as a relatively high number of participants that did not receive feedback were excluded because of aberrant performance. Reaction time variability reflects the mean within subject variability in RTs, whereas the SD of reaction time reflects the standard deviation of the mean RTs of all subjects
TD typically developing control group, ADHD attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ms milliseconds, SSRT stop-signal reaction time, SD standard deviation