Table 1.
Minimum, maximum and mean deregressed breeding value (deregBV) and genomic inflation factor lambda and number of individuals included in GWAS per trait
Trait | Min deregBV | Max deregBV | Mean (sd) deregBV | Genomic inflation factor (Lambda) | Number of individuals |
NRH | −75.08 | 64.28 | 0.90 (15.68) | 0.983 | 2506 |
NRC | −58.99 | 46.41 | 1.22 (14.67) | 0.994 | 3615 |
IFLH | −62.74 | 50.40 | −0.17 (15.34) | 0.976 | 1484 |
IFLC | −52.94 | 46.50 | −1.39 (13.75) | 0.990 | 4122 |
DFS | −61.88 | 41.91 | −2.69 (12.52) | 0.990 | 3619 |
CEd | −210.01 | 121.45 | −3.37 (17.93) | 0.974 | 4975 |
CEd_sc | −210.01 | 121.45 | −4.32 (17.36) | 0.992 | 4159 |
SBd | −114.71 | 291.12 | −13.00 (27.54) | 1.010 | 1610 |
GLd | −121.55 | 156.02 | 0.39 (18.26) | 0.935 | 2753 |
BWd | −110.60 | 209.64 | −0.59 (19.69) | 0.948 | 2561 |
CEm | −122.15 | 107.57 | 1.09 (25.09) | 0.990 | 2862 |
SBm | −187.92 | 180.70 | −8.84 (28.73) | 1.005 | 1136 |
GLm | −113.34 | 132.43 | −1.78 (23.51) | 0.981 | 2756 |
BWm | −92.46 | 97.23 | 0.82 (18.92) | 0.978 | 2683 |
SBd corr | −114.71 | 291.12 | −14.28 (27.80) | 1.014 | 1496 |
SBm corr | −187.92 | 180.70 | −8.58 (29.66) | 1.003 | 1051 |
Trait: NRH non-return rate in heifers, NRC non-return rate in cows, IFLH interval from first to last insemination in heifers, IFLC interval from first to last insemination in cows, DFS Days to first service, CEd calving ease direct, CEd_sc calving ease direct with stature deregressed breeding value (deregBV) as covariate, SBd stillbirth direct, GLd gestation length direct, BWd birth weight direct, CEm calving ease maternal, SBm stillbirth maternal, GLd gestation length maternal, BWd birth weight maternal, SBd corr Stillbirth direct, excluding the smaller cluster, SBm corr, Stillbirth maternal, excluding the smaller cluster
SNPs: number of SNPs considered for GWAS after filtering
Min deregBV: Minimum deregressed breeding value for the trait
Max deregBV: Maximum deregressed breeding value for the trait
Mean (sd) deregBV: Mean and standard deviation of the deregressed breeding value for the trait