Figure 2.
(A) A temporal relation function g(Δt), representing an excitatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP) or current (EPSC), when the pre-synaptic spike is elicited at s = 0 ms. The parameters were set to μ = 1.5 ms and σ = 1.0 ms and the conduction delay τi was set to τ = 10 ms. (B–D) The gradients of the lower bound of the model evidence 𝔼x~X[log p(x; θ)] with respect to the parameters Wi and τi. The time step δ was 0.05 ms, the experimental time period T was 50 ms, and the remaining parameters were set to v = 10, and η = 0.001. The gradient shapes depend on the shape of the temporal relation function g(Δt). (B) Temporal window of the delay learning, showing the relationship between the temporal difference Δt and the change Δτi in conduction delay τi, where Δt = s + τi − t. (C) Temporal window of the synaptic plasticity, showing the relationship between the temporal difference Δt and the change ΔWi in synaptic weight Wi. (D) The change ΔWi in synaptic weight Wi versus the current synaptic weight Wi for Δt = 1.5 ms (orange) and Δt = -5.0 ms (blue).