Figure 2. Pore size-dependent anion-anion structure in unpolarized carbon nanopores.
(a, b, c) Experimental (open circles) and HRMC-simulated (black lines) electron radial distribution functions (ERDFs) from X-ray scattering of EMI-TFSI in bulk liquid (a), the 1-nm pore (b) and the 0.7-nm pore (c). The blue line shows the simulated ERDF for the TFSI-TFSI correlations. Snapshots of EMI-TFSI in bulk liquid (d), 1-nm pore (e), and 0.7-nm pore (f); EMI and TFSI ions are shown by green and red ellipsoids, respectively. Population in the first coordination shell around a TFSI ion in bulk liquid (g) and 1-nm pore (h) and 0.7-nm pore (i).