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. 2017 Nov;32(6):449–454. doi: 10.5001/omj.2017.87

Table 1. Entrapment neuropathies.4.

Nerve Site of entrapment
Suprascapular Spinoglenoid notch
Lower trunk or medial cord of brachial plexus Cervical rib or band at thoracic outlet (neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome)
Wrist Carpal tunnel
Elbow Between heads of pronator teres (pronator teres syndrome)
Wrist Guyon’s canal (ulnar tunnel)
Elbow Bicipital groove, cubital tunnel
Posterior interosseous Radial tunnel- at point of entrance into supinator muscle (arcade of Frohse)
Lateral femoral cutaneous (meralgia paraesthetica) Inguinal ligament
Obturator Obturator canal
Posterior tibial Tarsal tunnel, medial malleolus-flexor retinaculum
Interdigital plantar (Morton’s metatarsalgia) Plantar fascia (heads of 3rd and 4th metatarsals)

Adapted from: Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology; 9th Edition; 2009; McGraw-Hill.4

Mechanisms of entrapment neuropathies