Fig. 6.
Anti-integrin β8 mAb that blocks TGF-β1 activation inhibits suppression by human Tregs in vivo. On day 0, PBMCs and autologous Tregs from donor 6 were injected i.v. in preconditioned NSG mice (1.5 Gy on day −1). Mice received weekly i.p. injections of 400 µg of anti-GARP (mAb LHG-10.6), anti-integrin β8 (mAb ADWA-11), or PBS solution as indicated. (A) Clinical GVHD was monitored at least biweekly to establish a score based on weight loss, reduced mobility, anemia or icterus, and hair loss. Graph shows progression of disease score (means per group ± SEM). The day of disease onset is when the mean disease score becomes ≥1. n, number of mice per group. P value was calculated by Mann–Whitney U test. (B) Survival analysis by Kaplan–Meier curve. Statistical significance of differences in survival was calculated by log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test.